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pep四年级下册Unit 5 How much is it? (Part B) 教学设计

[09-28 20:27:03]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  四年级英语教学设计   阅读:8656

概要:一、教学目标 1.能够掌握五个四会单词:apple, banana, orange, pear, watermelon和二个四会句子:How much are they? They're three yuan. 2.如何合理购物。(总任务)①猜测Zoom的购物内容。(任务1)②了解Zoom的购物内容和价钱。(任务2)③分组设计自己的商店,包括店名和食品价格等(课前完成课中交流)。(任务3)④调查组内成员喜欢的水果、饮料、零食等。(任务4)⑤分组用100元钱为儿童节联欢会购买水果、饮料、零食等。(任务5)⑥为父亲购买一份父亲节礼物。(任务6) 二、教学重难点 1.五个四会单词和二个四会句
pep四年级下册Unit 5 How much is it? (Part B) 教学设计,标签:四年级英语教学设计案例,http://www.5ijcw.com


  1.能够掌握五个四会单词:apple, banana, orange, pear, watermelon和二个四会句子:How much are they? They're three yuan.   2.如何合理购物。(总任务) ①猜测Zoom的购物内容。(任务1) ②了解Zoom的购物内容和价钱。(任务2) ③分组设计自己的商店,包括店名和食品价格等(课前完成课中交流)。(任务3) ④调查组内成员喜欢的水果、饮料、零食等。(任务4) ⑤分组用100元钱为儿童节联欢会购买水果、饮料、零食等。(任务5) ⑥为父亲购买一份父亲节礼物。(任务6)   二、教学重难点   1.五个四会单词和二个四会句子的掌握。   2. 正确使用they are, it is和名词的复数形式。   3. 用英语完成任务、文明购物、合理消费。   三、教学准备   1. 课前分组,并给每个组员分任务。   2. 准备食物、饮料、水果及相关价格图片、调查表、购物单、商店设计,相关课件。   四、语言聚焦   Can I help you? Yes. I want ... I also want ... How much are they? They are ... yuan.   五、教学流程   Pre-tasks(任务前):   第一步:目标导学   Step 1 Warm-up   1. Sing a song: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.   2. Free talk: (1) Apples are good for us. I like apples. So I want to go shopping. Do you like shopping? Today we'll learn how to go shopping reasonably? (Show the task) (2) We have 6 shops here. What are they? Let's go and see. Hello! Group 1, what's your shop's name? What about G2, can you show us your shop's name? What about G3 / G4 / G5 / G6? (One by one)   While-tasks(任务中):   第二步:自学交流   Step 2 Learn the dialogue   1. Zoom likes shopping, too. He's shopping now. Guess: Where is Zoom? Is he in the fruit shop / food shop / drink shop? Yes, he is in the fruit shop.   2. Look at the picture. Oh, so many fruits. What are they? They are apples, bananas, oranges, pears and watermelons.   3. Can you guess what fruit does Zoom want? Let's listen and check.He wants some apples, bananas, oranges, pears and watermelons.   4. Read by yourselves and finish Zoom's shopping list. Then discuss in groups. Zoom's shopping list


How much
  第三步:精讲助学   5. Let's check. What does zoom want to buy? He wants five apples, ten bananas, ten oranges, five pears and two watermelons. How much are they? They are 18 yuan.   6. Listen and repeat.   第四步:训练拓展   Step 3 Shopping for the party   1. Make your own shopping list. (1) Children's Day is coming. We'll have a party. So we want to go shopping for the party. We have fruit shops / drink shops / food shops in our classroom. Let's see. What's in your shops and how much are the things? Eg: This is our shop. We have ... The apple is 3 yuan. The banana is 2 yuan ... Welcome to our shop. (Group leaders introduce their shops.) So we can go shopping in these shops. Each group can get 100 yuan. Discuss: What do you want? What can you buy? How much are they? (2) Work in groups and make your own shopping list in 3 minutes.   2. Shopping time (1) Let's see your shopping lists. You have finished your shopping lists. Now you can go shopping like this: A: Can I help you? C: Yes. We want ... How much is it / are they? A: It's / They are ... yuan. (2) No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 in each group can go shopping for your group. No. 4, No. 5, No. 6 in each group are the shop assistants. You can choose your favourite shop and go shopping in 5 minutes.   3. Report time 1) Choose your way to give a report. Eg: We are Group 1. We want ... That's ... yuan.可以是小组长汇报,也可是购买的人分头汇报。 2) The others listen and fill in the form.  


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