人教版新起点英语二年级上册lesson26 教案
10.游戏方法如下:由几位学生头戴汽车(bus, van, taxi, subway, car)头饰扮演汽车司机;由另几位学生扮演售票员(手中持有不同车型的车票);再由6位学生手持地点的图片,站在教室的各个角落;其他学生扮演乘客。游戏开始后,“司机”站在全班面前,“售票员们”走到“乘客”中间,进行下面对话:
售票员:Hi! Where are you going?
乘 客:I'm going to the zoo.
售票员:By bus?
乘 客:No.By car.(“售票员”给“乘客”一张小汽车票。“乘客”走到“小汽车”面前。)
小汽车:Get on, please.(“乘客”上车双手即搭在“司机”的肩膀上。上其他车同此。)每辆“车” 都有“乘客”后,“司机”开车带“乘客”去要去的地方。此时放歌曲,“汽车”在歌声中开到“乘客”要去的地方(走至手持地点图片的学生身边)。到地点后,司机说:Here's the.... Get off, please.
Boy: What do you see in the picture?
Girl: The supermarket, the school, the park, the book store, the hospital and the zoo.
Boy: Where is the park?
Girl: It's next to the zoo.
Boy: Where is the book store?
Girl: It's under the park.
Boy: Where is the zoo?
Girl: It's under the hospital.
Boy: Where is the school?
Girl: It's next to the hospital.
Boy and girl: The supermarket, the school, the park, the book store, the hospital and the zoo.
NEW WORDS: supermarket, school, book store, hospital, zoo.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through Beijing.
The people on the bus get on and off, on and off, on and off.
The people on the bus get on and off, all through Beijing.
Andy: Where are you going?
Lily: I'm going to the supermarket.
Andy: By taxi?
Lily: No.By bus.
—教师发指令:Show me.... 学生举起相应的地点场所图片。
关键字: Tag:二年级英语教学设计,二年级英语教学设计案例,教学设计 - 英语教学设计 - 二年级英语教学设计
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