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  • 名称:上海牛津4b题
  • 类型:四年级英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:11-03 20:10:56
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:6898
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:59.0 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级


一、Choose a different kind of words in each group. (选出不同类单词)(10分)
(    ) 1. A. piano         B. guitar       C.  table    
(    ) 2. A. brush         B. paint        C. pet    
(    ) 3. A. she          B. he           C. are
(    ) 4. A. behind       B. under         C. is   
(    ) 5. A. hard         B. smooth       C. balloon  
二、Write the words according to the words underlined.(写出两个与划线部分同类的单词)(12分)
1. What can you taste?                                  
2. There are many pens in my bag.                                
3. Eddie can sing well.                                  
4. I have a pet. It is a cat.                                  
5. I have got a banana.                                  
6.It’s cold in December.    __________     (写出反义词)
7. You’re a beautiful swan.  __________     (写出反义词)
三、Rearrange the numbers.按照从小到大的顺序为数字排序。(每小题1分,共8分)
 twenty-two  fifty   eleven  twelve  three  thirty  forty-six   ten                
 three  <            <            <             <            <            <            <            
四、Read and choose.(选择填空)(15分)
(    ) 1. I’m sitting behind Peter. So(所以) Peter is sitting _____ me.
   A. behind             B. in front of         C. beside     
(    ) 2. --Are Kitty and Winnie good friends? 
     -- Yes, _____ are.
     A. we               B. you                 C. they 
(    ) 3. There ____ a bed, a computer and a desk in my room.
      A. am               B. is                     C. are       
(    ) 4. Mog ____ digging a hole now.
      A. doesn’t            B. can’t                C. isn’t       
(    ) 5.It’s yellow. It’s sour. It’s _____ juice.
      A. lemon             B. peach                C. apple               
(    ) 6. The mouse is looking ____ the bread. The frog is listening ____ the music.
      A. on…to             B. in…of             C. at…to        
(    ) 7. Eddie can play _____ guitar.
        A. a              B. the                  C. an   
(    ) 8. Mark’s book is in ____ his bag.
       A. /                B. the                 C. a       
(    ) 9. The lion is brown. _____ tail is long.
       A. It’s               B. Its                  C. It   
(    ) 10. _____ the grapes. They are soft and smooth.
    A. Smell              B. Touch              C. Taste           
(    ) 11. Danny, put the ears _____ the rabbit.
      A. in                  B. at                C. on   
(    ) 12. ______ pineapples are these? They are Miss Fang’s.
        A. Who’s            B. Whose            C. What 
(    ) 13. Is that_____ triangle, Alice? No, it isn’t my triangle.
      A. you                B. my          C. your    
(    ) 14. The birds _____ peaches.
      A. don’t like         B. doesn’t like        C. like not     
(    ) 15. I can’t see the clock. But I can _____ the clock.
     A. listen             B. hear              C. look at   
 五、Look and complete. (看图填空,完成句子,首字母已给出)(5分)
1. The man can’t see. He is b_________.
 2. These crayons are t         .  Those brushes are thin.
3. What can Jack play?He can play the t__________.                         
 4. Where are the animals?  The cat is u________ the chair.
   The rabbit is in the b_________.
 六.Look and answer. 看图,回答问题。(每小题1分,共5分)
 What time is it?   It’s ___________ past seven
Do you go to school at eight o’clock?  Yes, I ______        .
What time do you go home?  I go home at _______ o’clock
Is it seven o’clock?  No, it ________.       .
  I am tired.  I go to bed at nine o’clock______ the evening.
五、找答句,填序号 (每小题1分, 共10分)
(    ) 1. Welcome to our school.         A. Let’s hurry.
(    ) 2. We’re late for the party.         B. Yes, sir.
(    ) 3. How do we go there?           C. Yes, it is.
(    ) 4. Don’t climb trees again.         D. Thank you.
(    ) 5. Something to drink?            E. No, I can’t.
(    ) 6. What can you see?            F. Yes, she is.
(    ) 7. Can you read it?               G. A cup of tea, please.
(    ) 8. What’s for breakfast?           H. Noodles and milk.
(    ) 9. Is that woman a nurse?          I. I can see a train.
(    )10. Is this bus for the station?       J. By bike.
七、Rewrite the following sentences. (按要求改写句子,每空一词 )(10分)
1. Tom is riding his bicycle in the park. (改为否定句)
   Tom                       his bicycle in the park.
2. I have got some nice pens. (改为一般疑问句)
              you           any nice hats?
3. These are Betty’s short brushes. (对划线部分提问)
              short brushes           these?
4. This toy piano is new. (改为否定句,保持意思不变)
   This toy piano                       
5. There are two birds in the tree. (对划线部分提问)
                         birds are there in the tree?
八、Read and tick the correct answers. (阅读短文,在相应内容下打√)(8分)

  My name is Linda. I’m a pupil. I’m in Class Four, Grade Three. I like English and Math. I like running and jumping. My sister is Rose. She is a student. She’s in Class Three, Grade One. She likes Music and English. She likes singing and dancing. We are happy.
 Math  Class4
Grade3 running Class3
Grade1  Music  singing happy

九、Read the passage, and judge.(阅读文章,用T或F表示)(17分)
 Look! This is a picture of Eddie White family. Mr. White is tall and thin. His wife Mrs. White is short and fat.
  Mr. White likes swimming. He swims in the swimming pool every day. Mrs. White likes singing. 
  She often sings songs in the morning. They have got a son and a daughter. Their son Edward likes reading.
  Their daughter Nancy likes drawing. They are happy.
 (    ) 1. This is a picture of Eddie White family.
 (    ) 2. Eddie is tall and strong.
 (    ) 3. Edward likes reading and drawing.
 (    ) 4. Nancy likes drawing.
 (    ) 5. The Whites are happy.


(    ) 1. The weather in Changchun is nice.
(    ) 2. It’s warm and wet in winter.
(    ) 3. In summer it is sunny and hot.
(    ) 4. Kitty likes spring.
(    ) 5. Kitty doesn’t like to eat ice-creams in summer.
(    ) 6. The leaves fall and fall in autumn.
(    ) 7. Kitty wears gloves in winter.

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