Looking around教学设计
概要: Makes a chant again: bird, bird, look at the bird, it’s cute. Teacher sticks a picture of a flower under the tree. Asks: What’s this? Ss: 小花。 T: It’s a flower. It’s big. “flower, flower, look at the flower, it’s big.” Teacher sticks a
Makes a chant again: bird, bird, look at the bird, it’s cute.
Teacher sticks a picture of a flower under the tree. Asks: What’s this?
Ss: 小花。
T: It’s a flower. It’s big.
“flower, flower, look at the flower, it’s big.”
Teacher sticks a picture of a frog in a pond near the tree. Asks: What’sS this?
Ss: 青蛙。
T: It’s a frog. It’s fun.
“frog, frog, look at the flog, it's fun.”
Have Ss chant the four sentences. Then make a match between the four groups. Give some gifts to the winners.
2. T: Are you happy? But it’s time to go home. (师指着手表) let’s look at the screen. (大屏幕里,Jiaming,Meiling,Donny和Beth等乘坐不同交通工具回家,Bobo和Dongdong乘坐spaceship回家了。)
T: Jiaming, how do you go home?
Ss: Bus.
T: By bus.
T asks: Meiling, how do you go home?
y bike.
T: Donny, how do you go home?
www.5ijcw.com Ss: By car.
T: Bobo and Dongdong, how do you go home?
T: By spaceship.
T: But, Chuck, how do you go home?
Ss:…Teacher acts and say’s: On foot.
Play games:
A: Act and Guess.
Teacher models, then students practice in groups.
B: What’s missing?
Stick the pictures of the four transports on the blackboard. One student chooses one (unknown). The other asks: how do you go home? The student guesses and answers.
Step III consolidation
Perform the dialogs.
T: Now, I'll give you some pictures, let’s make dialogs.
S1: Look at the bird.
S2: It’s cute.
Step IV Summary.
T: Today, Bobo and Dongdong got to know many things.
What are they?
Encourage Ss to sum the words and sentences they’ve learnt.
Teacher takes out the puppets and says: It’s time to go home. Let’s say goodbye to them.
Ss: Bye!
Step V Homework
Interview your family about how to go home.
Blackboard design.
关键字: Tag:四年级英语教学设计,四年级英语教学设计案例,教学设计 - 英语教学设计 - 四年级英语教学设计
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