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没有考上大学fail to enter college

[11-26 14:12:10]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  英语作文   阅读:8671

概要:(下面有二个英文问题,和你的未来计划有关,每个问题请用大约六十个英文单字回答。) 1.Why do you want to enter college? 2.What else would you do if you should fail to enter college? 你为什么想考大学,没有考上大学你怎么办?1.Entering college is every senior high school student's final goal. The reason why I want to enter college are as follows. First, I c
没有考上大学fail to enter college,标签:小学英语作文,英语作文范文,http://www.5ijcw.com

1.Why do you want to enter college?    2.What else would you do if you should fail to enter college?

1.Entering college is every senior high school student's final goal. The reason why I want to enter college are as follows. First, I can obtain higher education in college. To major in English literature is my biggest dream. Second, I could meet many fascinating people there and many new things to learn. I think I will be able to enjoy a wonderful college life soon.
2.If I should fail to enter college, I would spend another year preparing for the next college entrance exam. Anyway, things don't always happen the way we like. I think we should take defeat well and keep optimistic. I would study hard to do better next year.

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