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人教新目标版八年级下册英语《Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?》单元测试

  • 名称:人教新目标版八年级下册英语《Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?》单元测试
  • 类型:八年级英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:11-03 20:26:39
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:6921
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:133 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级
《人教新目标版八年级下册英语《Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?》单元测试》简介


1. What did the man give the woman?

  A.                     B.                        C.

2. What was the boy doing at eight o’clock last Sunday evening?

A.                     B.                         C.

3. Who was scared last night?

  A.                      B.                         C.

4. Where were they talking?

  A.                       B.                         C.

5. What event are they talking about?

  A.                       B.                         C.

二. 听小对话,选择答案 (5分)
6. What was Frank doing when his uncle got to his home?
  A. He was drawing a bike.      B. He was driving a bus.       C. He was drawing a bus.
7. What was the girl doing at four thirty?
  A. She was cleaning the classroom.               B. She was playing tennis.    
C. She was studying in the classroom.
8. What was Gina’s mother doing at 8:30 last night?
  A. She was readubg an English book.              B. She was reading a newspaper.
C. She was doing housework.
9. Where was Mr. Green a year ago?
  A. In Hangzhou.              B. In Guangzhou             C. In Harbin.
10. Where does Emma’s aunt work?
  A. In a factory.               B. In a hospital.               C. I n a school.
三.听独白,完成信息表 (10分)
11. A. five years old   B. nine years old
C. ten years old
12. A. a basketball    B. a ping-pong table
C. much delicious food
13. A. go to the moon   B. learn about business
C. be a famous ping-pong player
14. A. do many interesting things
B. buy delicious food   C. go to space
15. A. be able to play basketball on the moon
B. be the richest and happiest man       C. get more money to help others.

四.单项选择 (10分)
1. I met a friend of mine _____ I was talking in the park.
  A. before          B. while           C. after           D. if
2. They are talking about something ____ the phone.
  A. in              B. on             C. at              D. for
3. Do you know ______?
  A. what he happened                  B. what the matter is with him
C. what happened to him               D. what did he happened
4. – What were you doing when he came in?    -- I __ __ English with my sister when he came in.
  A. read            B. reads           C. reading         D. was reading
5.  – Look! How ____ they are!  -- Yes, they are always shouting and laughing.
   A. excited         B. excited         C. amazing          D. scared
6. The bell rang while Ann ____ her purse in the classroom.
   A. was looking for  B. looked for       C. is looking for      D. looks for
7. – The plane will ___ soon. Would you please drive more quickly?   -- OK!
   A. take away       B. take off         C. take down         D. take out.
8. – Where did you go this afternoon?   -- I went to the _____ to borrow some books.
   A. barber shop      B. bookshop        C. library           D. playground
9. She didn’t know the strange man and had to ______ the police for help.
   A. look             B. visit             C. call             D. run
10. – I think we should call the TV station when we see the alien.   -- ______.
   A. OK, let’s go.       B. Good idea.       C. Yes, it is.         D. Don’t shout.
五、完形填空 (15分)
   Mr. Balck was walking in the forest. He was __1__ when he heard a terrible noise. But he could not __2__ the forest. His friends  were __3__ him in a village outside the forest. They would give him __4__ money if he took a tiger to them, or(否则) they were going to __5__ him.
   Mr. Balck liked __6__. He usually killed some birds and __7__ animals. But a week __8__, after he drank too much, he called himself a brave (勇敢的) hunter. So his __9__bet (打赌) him twenty thousand dollars if he could kill a(n) __10__.
   Suddenly, he heard a little noise. He ran to the a big tree, and __11__ it up quickly. He didn’t __12__ until he saw it was a __13__. He went close to him and asked, “Excuse me, Sir. Are there __14__ tigers in the forest?”
   “ Yes,” said the farmer. “I saw a lot of tigers’ track about a kilometer north near here.” “ Good!” Mr. Black said in a hurry. “Which way is to the __15__, then”

1 A. scary B. scarying C. scared D. sorry
2. A get off B. get out of C. take off D. get into
3. A talking to B. talking with C. waiting for D. talk about
4. A a lot of B. many C. lot of D. little
5. A laugh at B. praise (表扬) C. angry with D. argue with
6. A hunt B. hunting C. hunted D. hunts
7. A big B. huge C. small D. little
8. A before B. later C. after D. then
9. A family B. freinds C. brothers D. wife
10. A lion B. elephant C. tiger D. eagle (鹰)
11. A climbed B. jumped C. ran D. hide (藏)
12. A come down B. come in C. come into D. come back
13. A policeman B. hunter C. worker D. farmer
14. A any B. some C. every D. each
15. A east B. south C. west D. north

六、阅读理解 (30分)
To: Nicole
   The tsunami (海啸) in the India Ocean(印度洋) happened on December 29,2004. When I heard about the event, I was waiting at the a irport. Do you know this event? What were you doing that day?
To: Ted
   Yes,. While I was walking in the park, I heard the terrble news.
To: Kathy
   Li Yunchun won the singing contest “Super Girls” in 2005. When I heard it, I was having dinner at home. What about you?
To: Alice
   Great news! I knew it while I was chatting with my family in the living room on the night of August 26.
To: Eric
   While I was visiting my grandma in the hospital, I heard our country’s  Shenzhou VI spacecraft returned. It was a great success. What were you doing then?
To: Jackson
   I was playing chess with my father when this exciting event happened on October 17, 2005.
1. How many important events did they talk about?
  A. Six              B. Four               C. Three              D. Five
2. When the tsunami happeneed, Ted was ____.
  A. waiting at the airport    B. walking in the p ark  C. visiting his grandpa in the hospital   D. doing nothing
3. ______ was chatting in the living room when Li Yuchun won the award.
  A. Nicole           B. Kathy              C. Alice               D. Eric
4. China’s Shenzhou VI spacecraft returned successfully on ______.
  A. December 26, 2004                      B. August 26, 2005
C. October 17, 2005                        D. December 17, 2004
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
  A. The tsunami happened in China in 2004.         B. The text is from a magazine
C. Li Yuchun was the winner of the singing contest “Super Girls” in 2005.
D. Jackson thought it was a great success that Shenzhou IV spacecraft in 2004.
In 1954, a British plane was on its way from New York to London. When the plane was flying over an island(岛屿), the captain(机长) and others saw something on the left. It was about five miles away and much lower than their plane.
“It became clear,” the captain said, “there was one large object(物体) and six smaller objects. A moment later the smaller objects entered the big object. The big object then became smaller and moved away fast!”
The captain later answered a lot of questions from newspaper reporters.
“How long did you study the objects?”
“They stayed with us for six minutes.”
“What shape were the objects?”
“The large one was changing its shape all the time, but each of the  smaller ones was round(圆的) like a ball.”
“Tell us, were you afraid?”
“None of the people in the plane were afraid. We talked about that, and in fact we felt friendly to the objects.”
There are many other reports of UFOs in different parts of the world. It seems that lots of people believe there are UFOs. Only a few people don’t believe in UFOs, but maybe they will in the future.
6. The captain and others saw the UFOs in front of their plane.
7. They saw seven flying objects that day.
8. The large object had the same shape as the smaller ones.
9. All the people in the plane were very afraid of the UFOs.
10. The author seems to believe in UFOs.
A young American doctor was sleeping when suddenly his doorbell began to ring. It was already midnight, but what could the doctor do? He had to get up, put on his coar and go downstairs().
When he opened the door, he saw a man standing with a hat in his hand. “How do you do?” said the man. “Can you come at once to a place of our town? It’s quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way.”
“Certainly,” said the doctor. “I’m quite read y. I can come at once.” After a few minutes the car was standing at the front door. The man got into the doctor’s car, and they drove off.
They drove on for a long time. Then tha man said, “Here we are. This is my home. Now I can pay you and you can go back to your town.”
“I must see the patient. How can I go back without seeing the patient?”
“There is no patient,” explained the man. “Nobody is ill. I live here, you see, and one must get home from a town, mustn’t he? There are no taxis this time of the night, but a doctor often makes night calls, so excuse me. Here is money. Thank you. Good night.”
11. The doctor ___ when the doorbell started to ring.
 A. was sleeping upstairs                     B. was sleeping downstairs 
C. was working upstairs                     D. was working downstairs
12. The man asked the doctor to _____.
   A. go out for a walk     B. go to a place out of town   C. see a patient      D. go to a patient’s home
13. They left ______.
   A. on foot             B. by b ike            C. at once             D. after a few minutes
14. What the man want to do was only to______.
   A. fool the doctor                           B. give the doctor money  
C. get home in the doctor’s car                 D. play a joke on the doctor
15. The doctor was probably ____ when he heard the man’s words.
   A. happy              B. angry              C. sad               D. sorry
七、任务型阅读 (5分)
   I’ve got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, you’ll be staying with a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about 30 pounds in cash(现金) and about 200 pounds in traveler’s cheque(支票). Then when you arrive at the airport you’ll be met by our host(主人) family. You must remenber
to wear a red shirt so that the family will find you easily. I’ve told them to look out for the red shirts. You’ll also need to take with you four photos of yourself and, of course, it’s very important that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our agent(代理人). I’ll give you her offcie phone number now. It’s 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs Belcher. She’s in the office from 9 to 5 every day. OK! That’s everything. Have a good trip.

八、单词拼写 (10分)
   This morning ____1_____(当……的时候) I was walking to school I saw a cat in a tree. It was really ______2____(恐惧的). So I decided to _____3____(爬) the tree to get it dowm. But while I was climbing the tree, a man saw me and ____4____(呼喊) at me, because it was his tree. So I had to ___5_____(跳下) down from the tree. I told the man what ____6____(发生) to the cat, he called the ____7_____(警察). A woman nearby saw it, too. And she called the newspaper at once. Before the reporter came, the cat was so frightened that it ____8_____(落下) dowm from the tree. Luckily, it was not hurt itself. Everything seemed to be OK, but it was  nearly 8:00. I _____9____(跑) to school. When I arrived at the schoo l gate, the _____10____(铃) rang.

九、书面表达 (10分)

   参考词汇:hide(藏), steal -- stole(偷), by the lake(在湖边), last Sunday, sunny, hot
 Lily’s Sunday


1. W: Please give me a glass. I’m very thirsty.
  M: Would you like some tea or water?
  W: Tea, please.
2. W: What were you doing at eig ht o’clock last Sunday evening?
  M: I was sleeping at home.
3. W: Last night my daughter saw a UFO landing on Center Street. She was scraed the whole night.
  M: What  a night!
4. W: Excuese me, can you help me? My dog got out of the box and ran away.
  M: I’d love to. But the train will arrive in five minutes.
5. M: What were you doing when Chang’e-1 flew to the moon?
  W: I was watching TV.
6. M: Was Frank drawing a bike when his uncle got to his house?
  W: No, he was drawing a bus/
7. M: Were you cleani ng the classroom at four thirty?
  W: Yes, and at five o’clock we went to play tennis.
8.  M: Gina, what were you doing at 8:30 last night?
  W: I am doing my homework. My mother was reading a newspaper. What about you, Jim?
  M: I was reading an English book.
9. M: Mr Green has lived in Harbin for half a year.
  W: Where did he live before he came to Harbin?
  M: He lived in Gungzhou.
10. M: What does you aunt do, Emma?
   W: She is a music teacher.

任务型 1. 200 pounds    2. a red shirt   3. four photos and the school letter   4. 580-4436   5. Mrs.Belcher
单词   1. while    2. scared   3. climb   4 shouted     5. happened    6. police    7. police
       8. fell      9. ran      10. bell
写作  (略)

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