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My Phobia snake(我的恐惧症

[11-26 14:11:36]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  英语作文   阅读:8258

概要:作文:My Phobia snake(我的恐惧症-蛇)瑞祥高中二年一班,廖振旭 Everyone fears something, and my phobia is snakes. Snakes are a kind of reptile. They have green eyes that look very cold and terrible. Their bodies look like ropes and they always crawl on the ground. Their body temperatures are ice-cold. Everything about sna
My Phobia snake(我的恐惧症,标签:小学英语作文,英语作文范文,http://www.5ijcw.com

作文:My Phobia snake(我的恐惧症-蛇)


Everyone fears something, and my phobia is snakes. Snakes are a kind of reptile. They have green eyes that look very cold and terrible. Their bodies look like ropes and they always crawl on the ground. Their body temperatures are ice-cold. Everything about snakes makes me feel sick. When I see or listen to them, I always feel terrible. The reason why I am afraid of snakes is because of a frightening experience in my childhood. One day in my childhood, when I was walking in the woods, a snake fell out of a tree onto my shoulders! It crawled over my neck and looked at me. It felt so cold and made the "si, si" noise. After two minutes, it went away. I was scared speechless and trembling. It really scared me and I swore never to look at, read, touch or listen to anything about snakes ever again.

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