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Who Is Thirsty? 教学设计

[09-28 20:28:59]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  五年级英语教学设计   阅读:8238

概要: Read the text aloud and find out : “What would Danny, Jenny and Li Ming like to drink?”) (answer the questions) 进一步检查学生对课文的理解, 提出问题. Why are Jenny and Li Ming slow? Their tea is too hot to drink. Is Danny slow, too? No, he is quick. (设计意图:通过阶梯性目标性阅读, 让学生在逐步加深对文章整体理解的同
Who Is Thirsty? 教学设计,标签:五年级英语教学设计案例,http://www.5ijcw.com
    Read the text aloud and find out : “What would Danny, Jenny and Li Ming like to drink?”)
    (answer the questions)
    进一步检查学生对课文的理解, 提出问题.
    Why are Jenny and Li Ming slow? Their tea is too hot to drink.
    Is Danny slow, too? No, he is quick.
    (设计意图:通过阶梯性目标性阅读, 让学生在逐步加深对文章整体理解的同时, 有重点地去捕捉有效信息, 提高了学生的阅读理解能力, 从师生对话到听课文录音再到此时的大声朗读课文, 难点句型也不在是难点, 在不知不觉中被易化了.)
    Step 4: Practice
    1. Read the text in group of five and role-play it.(At least two groups)
    2. Suppose you and your friends are at a restaurant, ordering. Make up a dialogue.
    3. Act out the dialogue. (At least two groups)利用教学光盘。
    (设计意图:分角色朗读, 设定情景编对话及对话表演, 这一系列的操练活动, 始终以学生为主体, 他们始终是课堂的主人, 老师只是一个引导者, 一个助手, 或者说一个导演, 学生们在朗读中学习并收集材料, 在既定情景中自由创作. 在对话表演中体验共同创作的快乐, 真正起到了 “用中学, 学后用” 和 “乐中学, 学中乐” 的绝佳教学效果.)
    Step 5: Homework
    1. Get ready for the dialogue-acting.
    2. Do the exercises in the Activity-book.
    Lesson4 Who Is Thirsty?
    Who is thirsty?
    What would you like to drink?
    Would you like ……? Yes,please./No,thanks.

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